Cycad Names | Cycas arnhemica subsp. muninga Chirgwin & K.D.Hill

Cycas arnhemica subsp. muninga Chirgwin & K.D.Hill [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Telopea 7(1): 44-46, fig. 20. (1996).

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: I. Cowie & Brocklehurst 2030
Locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Groote Eylandt, 2 km S of Malgala Ck , 11 Sep 1991
Type Location(s): HT:NSW; IT:BRl, CANB, DNA, K, MEL, PERTH

This name is considered a synonym of Cycas arnhemica K.D.Hill

Synonymy Notes: Synonymization based on Dixon, Beagle 20: 12 (2004): "Three subspecies, C. amhemica subsp. arnhemica, C. arnhemica subsp. muninga Chirgwin and K.D. Hill, and C. arnhemica subs p. natja K .D. Hill have previously been recognised by Hill ( 1996) for this taxon. The characters used by Hill (1996) to differentiate the subspecies, together with measurements taken from additional material held at DNA were found to overlap enough to preclude reliable identification at subspecific level."

References (2)

Dixon D. 2004. A Review of the Gymnosperms of the Northern Territory. Beagle 20 : 1-24.
Hill KD. 1996. A taxonomic revision of the genus Cycas (Cycadaceae) in Australia. Telopea 7 (1) : 1-63.