Zamia sandovalii
First published in: Ceiba 46(1): 41-42, figs. 1-10. (2007).
Etymology: Honoring German Sandoval, herbarium assistant at the Honduran National Autonomous University, who participated in the expedition during which the type specimen was collected.
Haynes, JL. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 2022;550(1):1-31.
Nomenclature notes: 2005 publ. 10 Apr 2007
Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: G. Sandoval et al. 1154
Locality: Honduras: Atlántida: Orillas del rÃo Cangrejal, sendero Guaruma, 15 km cerca de la comunidad de Las Mangas, SE de La Ceiba
, 24 Jan 2006
Type Location(s): HT:TEFH
Distribution: Honduras (Atlántida)
IUCN Red List Conservation Status:
Endangered A3cd; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)
Image Gallery (3 observation records)
Honduras (Atlántida)
Honduras (Atlántida)
Honduras (Atlántida)
References (4)
Calonje M. 2009. A new cliff-dwelling species of Zamia (Zamiaceae) from Belize. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3
: 23-39.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550
: 1-31.
Nelson C. 2006. Dos plantas nuevas del género Zamia (Zamiaceae, Gymnospermae) en Honduras. Ceiba 46
: 41-44.
Nicolalde-Morejón F, Vovides AP, Stevenson DW. 2009. Taxonomic revision of Zamia in Mega-Mexico. Brittonia 61
(4): 301-335.