Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Zamia > Zamia paucijuga Wieland

Zamia paucijuga Wieland [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Amer. Foss. Cycads 2: 212, fig. 86. (1916).

Etymology: From the Latin pauci- (‘few’) and jugus (‘paired’), apparently referring to the few pairs of leaflets of the type specimen, which is actually a misnomer because leaves of mature plants have many leaflet pairs. (Whitelock 2002) [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Type Location(s): LT:fig. 86; ET:XAL
Type notes: Epitype supporting the lectotype of Zamia paucijuga was designated in Nordic J. Bot. 37(9)-e02430: 5. Epitype: Mexico, Oaxaca: San Bartolomé Loxicha, 24 May 2005, F. Nicolalde-Morejón et al.1467 (XAL).

Distribution: Mexico (Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Oaxaca)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Near Threatened A2c

Image Gallery (4 observation records)

Mexico (Jalisco)

Mexico (Jalisco)

Mexico (Oaxaca)

Mexico (Oaxaca)

References (6)

Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Nicolalde-Morejón F, Vovides AP, Stevenson DW. 2009. Taxonomic revision of Zamia in Mega-Mexico. Brittonia 61 (4): 301-335. [JSTOR]
Stevenson DW, Sabato S. 1986. Typification of names in Zamia L. and Aulacophyllum Regel (Zamiaceae). Taxon 35 (3): 134-144.
Stevenson DW. 2001. Orden Cycadales. Fl. Colombia (1983+) 21 : 1-91.
Whitelock LM. 2002. The Cycads. Portland, OR: Timber Press. 374 p.
Wieland GR. 1916. American fossil cycads.