Cycad Names | Zamia pseudomonticola L.D.Gómez

Zamia pseudomonticola L.D.Gómez [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Phytologia 50(6): 401-404. (1982). [BHL]

Nomenclature notes: Nom. invalid.; intended type citation is a "mere citation of a locality" that lacks a "concrete reference to some detail relating to the actual type, such as the collector's name or collecting number or date" (see ICBN Art. 37.3, especially Note 2) [Source:]
Nomenclatural Type Information
Type Location(s): HT:CR

References (2)

Gómez P. LD. 1982. Plantae mesoamericanae novae II. Phytologia 50 (6) : 401-404.
Stevenson DW, Sabato S. 1986. Typification of names in Zamia L. and Aulacophyllum Regel (Zamiaceae). Taxon 35 (3): 134-144.