Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Ceratozamia > Ceratozamia zaragozae Medellín

Ceratozamia zaragozae Medellín [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Brittonia 15(2): 175-176, figs. 1-4. (1963).

Etymology: Honoring Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza (1829–1862), hero of the Mexican revolution, dedicated at the first centennial of his glorious deeds in defense of the national sovereignty. [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: Medellín-Leal 1452
Locality: Mexico: San Luis Potosí: Pico El Agujon, Sierra de la Equiteria, ca. 30 km SW of Rioverde , 1800 m , 22 Jul 1962
Type Location(s): HT:SLPM; IT:ENCB, MICH

Distribution: Mexico (San Luis Potosí)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Endangered B1ab(v)

Image Gallery (1 observation records)

Mexico (San Luis Potosí)

References (6)

Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Medellín-Leal F. 1963. A new species of Ceratozamia from San Luis Potosí. Brittonia 15 (2) : 175-176. [JSTOR]
Pérez-Farr. Vovides & Iglesias. 2001. A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 137 (1) : 77-80.
Stevenson DW, Sabato S. 1986. Typification of names in Ceratozamia brongn, Dion lindl, and Microcycas A. DC. (Zamiaceae). Taxon 35 (3): 578-584.
Stevenson DW, Sabato S, Vázquez-Torres M. 1986. A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico with comments on species relationships, habitats, and vegetative morphology in Ceratozamia. Brittonia 38 (1): 17-26. [JSTOR]
Stevenson DW. 1982. A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico. Brittonia 34 (2) : 181-184. [JSTOR]