Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Macrozamia > Macrozamia fawcettii C.Moore

Macrozamia fawcettii C.Moore [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: J. Proc. Roy. Soc. New S. Wales 17: 120. (1884). [BHL]

Etymology: Honoring Hugh Charles Fawcett (1812–1890), former police magistrate who collected the type specimen in New South Wales, Australia. [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Type Location(s): HT:NSW

Distribution: Australia (New South Wales)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Near Threatened B1ab(v)

Image Gallery (2 observation records)

Australia (New South Wales)

Australia (New South Wales)

References (3)

Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Johnson LA. 1959. The families of cycads and the Zamiaceae of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, ser. 2, 84 (1) : 64-117.
Moore C. 1884. Notes on the genus Macrozamia. J. Proc. Roy. Soc. New S. Wales 17 : 115-122.