Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Encephalartos > Encephalartos humilis I.Verd.

Encephalartos humilis I.Verd. [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Bothalia 6(1): 220, 241, pl. 3. (1951).

Etymology: From the Latin humilis (‘humble’ or ‘lowly’), referring to the small stature. [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: R.A. Dyer 4806
Locality: South Africa, Transvaal Province, Nelspruit. Schagen Hill on dolomite with Aloe recurvifolia
Type Location(s): HT:PRE; IT:GRA, S

Distribution: South Africa (Mpumalanga)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Vulnerable A2acd+4acd; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)

Image Gallery (1 observation records)

South Africa (Mpumalanga)

References (3)

Bruce TA, Brueckner A, Dyer RA, Kies P, Verdoorn IC. 1951. Newly described species. Bothalia 6 (1): 213-248.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Verdoorn IC. 1951. Cycadaceae. Bothalia 6 (1) : 220-221.