Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Encephalartos > Encephalartos cupidus R.A.Dyer

Encephalartos cupidus R.A.Dyer [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Bothalia 10(2): 379-383. (1971).

Etymology: From the Latin cupidus (‘desirous’), referring to the striking form, thought by the author to render it desirable to collectors. [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: D. van Heerden 30546
Locality: South Africa, Transvaal Province, Pilgrims Rest Division, cultivated at White River,
Type Location(s): HT:PRE

Distribution: South Africa (Mpumalanga)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Critically Endangered A2acd+4acd; B1ab(ii,iii,v); C1+2a(i,ii)

References (3)

Dyer RA. 1971. A further new species of Cycad from the Transvaal. Bothalia 10 (2) : 379-383.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Slabbert R, Hurter PJH. 1993. Focus on Encephalartos cupidus. Encephalartos 36 : 5-10.