Encephalartos arenarius
First published in: J. S. African Bot. 22(1): 1-4. (1956).
Etymology: From the Latin arenarius (‘sandy’), referring to its habitat on relic beach dune deposits.
Haynes, JL. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 2022;550(1):1-31.
Nomenclature notes: Journal cover dated January 1956, article itself says 'published December 31, 1955'. Dyer cites the publication year as 1956 in Bothalia 8(4): 470 and so do Dyer & Verdoorn (1966) in Flora of South Africa: 19.
Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: R.A. Dyer 5441
Locality: South Africa, Cape Province, Alexandria District, Kaba Valley, about 4 mi. from Woody Cape on Old Millers farm at end of closed valley
, 500 ft
Type Location(s): HT:PRE; IT:GRA, K, NBG
Distribution: South Africa (E Cape)
IUCN Red List Conservation Status:
Endangered A2acd; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v); C1
Image Gallery (1 observation records)
South Africa (Eastern Cape)
References (6)
Dyer RA. 1956. A new cycad from the Cape Province. J. S. African Bot. 22
: 1-4.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550
: 1-31.
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550
: 1-31.
Joubert L, Grobbelaar N, Coetzee J. 1989. In-situ studies of the ultrastructure of the cyanobacteria in the coralloid roots of Encephalartos arenarius, Encephalartos transvenosus and Encephalartos woodii (Cycadales).. Phycologia 28
(2): 197-205.
Kemp M. 1987. Focus on Encephalartos arenarius. Encephalartos 11
: 4-7.
McDaniel I. 2002. Cycad focus: Encephalartos arenarius. Cycad Newslett. 25
: 14-15.