Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Dioon > Dioon mejiae Standl. & L.O.Williams

Dioon mejiae Standl. & L.O.Williams [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Ceiba 1(1): 36-38. (1950).

Etymology: Honoring Dr. Isidoro Mejia H. (?–1950), physician in Danlí, El Paraíso, Honduras, from whose garden the type specimen was collected. [source]

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: P. Standley 16756
Locality: Cultivated in the garden of Dr. Isidoro Mejía h., Danlí, Dept. El Paraíso, Honduras , 750 m , 17 Feb 1949
Type Location(s): HT:US; IT:EAP

Taxonomic Synonyms:

Distribution: Honduras (Colón, Olancho, Yoro)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Endangered A2acd+3cd+4acd; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)

Image Gallery (13 observation records)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Olancho)

Honduras (Yoro)

Honduras (Yoro)

References (7)

Bonta M. 2003. Teocinte, "Ear of God". Cycad Newslett. 26 (1) : 7-12.
De Luca P, Sabato S. 1979. Dioon califanoi (Zamiaceae), a new species from Mexico. Brittonia 31 (1): 170-173. [JSTOR]
Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Haynes JL. 2007. Overview of the cycad flora of Honduras. In: Vovides AP, Stevenson DW, Osborne R, editors. Proceedings of Cycad 2005: The 7th Intl Conference on Cycad Biology. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. 97. New York: NYBG Press. p. 444-453.
Schutzman B. 2003. Distribution of Dioon mejiae and its relatives. Cycad Newslett. 26 (1) : 6.
Standley PC, Williams LO. 1950. Dioon mejiae, a new cycad from Honduras. Ceiba 1 (1): 36-38.
Stevenson DW, Sabato S. 1986. Typification of names in Ceratozamia brongn, Dion lindl, and Microcycas A. DC. (Zamiaceae). Taxon 35 (3): 578-584.