Cycad Names | Cycadales > Zamiaceae > Dioon > Dioon angustifolium Miq.

Dioon angustifolium Miq. [WFO] [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Tijdschr. Wis- Natuurk. Wetensch. Eerste Kl. Kon. Ned. Inst. Wetensch. 1(1): 37-38. (1847).

Etymology: From the Latin angustus (‘narrow’) and folium (‘leaf’), referring to the narrow leaflets of juvenile foliage. [source]

Nomenclature notes: Issue date Jul-Dec 1847. See Stafleu (1966) in Wentia 16: 65.
Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: F.A.W. Miquel s.n.
Locality: Cultivated in Hort. Amstelod.
Type Location(s): LT:K
Type notes: Lectotype designated by De Luca et al., Brittonia 34(3): 360 (1982)

Taxonomic Synonyms:

Nomenclatural Synonyms:

Distribution: Mexico (Nuevo León, Tamaulipas)

IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Vulnerable A2cd+4cd

References (7)

Haynes JL. 2022. Etymological compendium of cycad names. Phytotaxa 550 (1) : 1-31.
Miquel FA. 1847. Over eenige nieuwe of zeldzame Cycadeen in den Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam. Eerste gedeltee. Tijdschr. Wis- Natuurk. Wetensch. Eerste Kl. Kon. Ned. Inst. Wetensch. 1 (1) : 33-43.
Miquel FA. 1851. Cycadeae quaedam Americanae: Partim novae. Nieuwe Verh. Eerste Kl. Kon. Ned. Inst. Wetensch. Amsterdam 3 (4) : 181-188.
Miquel FA. 1849. Epicrisis systematis cycadearum. Tijdschr. Wis- Natuurk. Wetensch. Eerste Kl. Kon. Ned. Inst. Wetensch. 2 (4) : 1-302.
Moynihan J, Vovides AP, González-Astorga J, Francisco-Ortega J. 2012. Population genetic diversity in the Dioon edule Lindl. species complex (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): Evidence from Microsatellite Data. p. 224-250. [Reference]
Stevenson DW, Sabato S. 1986. Typification of names in Ceratozamia brongn, Dion lindl, and Microcycas A. DC. (Zamiaceae). Taxon 35 (3): 578-584.
Thiselton-Dyer WT. 1884. Cycadaceae. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 3 : 190-195.