Accepted Species
Zamia pseudomonticola L.D.Gómez ex D.W.Stev. & Sabato
Published in: Taxon 35(1): 141. 1986. (Taxon )
Type Information
Type Location(s):
HT:CRNomenclatural notes: The authors provide a 'concrete reference to some detail [the collector's name] relating to the actual type,' missing from Gómez's original publication but required by ICBN Art. 37 (see especially Note 2); they indicate (using an exclamation point) that they have actually seen the holotype (hence they are not simply making an assumption). According to ICBN Art. 45.1, 'when the various conditions for valid publication are not simultaneously fulfilled, the date is that on which the last is fulfilled.' [Source: Missouri Botanical Garden. 25 Feb 2013]
Distribution: Costa Rica (Puntarenas), Panama (Chiriquí)
IUCN Red List Conservation Status: Least Concern [Source citation]